Analisis Keberadaan Minimarket Modern Terhadap Pengunjung, Omset Dan Keuntungan Pada UMKM Di Kecamatan Bahodopi

ASMIRALDA (2024) Analisis Keberadaan Minimarket Modern Terhadap Pengunjung, Omset Dan Keuntungan Pada UMKM Di Kecamatan Bahodopi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Tadulako.

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Asmiralda, C 201 19 444, The Analysis of Modern Minimarkets’ Existential towards the Customer, Turnover and Profit on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Bahodopi District (Supervised by Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus Kasim, SE.,M,Si).

Market development in Indonesia is increasingly expanding along with the economic development. According to its classification, currently markets can be divided into two categories–modern markets and traditional markets. In Morowali, there are 2 types of modern markets these include Alfamidi and Indomaret which have been established since 2020. The construction of modern minimarkets from 2020 to present continues to increase every year with the number of Alfamidi has estimated around 25 outlets and Indomaret around 27 outlets. As this modern market is convenient and reachable from the nearby local shops/stalls, the existence of a modern market has surely given specific impact towards the surrounding environment. Economically, the existence of a modern market has not only impacted patterns on consumers’ behaviour in the surrounding environment but also the retail business owners in the area where the modern market is established. This research aims to measure the influence of minimarkets on visitors, turnover and profits before and during the development of modern minimarkets around the local store/stalls environment in Bahodopi District. The type of research used is a quantitative using the questionnaire for its data collection technique. The sample in the study consists of 37 respondents from the local grocery businesses in Bahodopi District, Morowali Regency. The gained data was analysed using the Wilcokson Signed Test analysis method to assess the comparison of visitors, turnover and profits at the local grocery stores/stalls before and during the development of minimarkets. The results of this research show that there were significant changes in visitors, turnover and profits at the local grocery stores before and during the development of minimarkets in Bahodopi District. These changes are linked to the decreased number of visitors, turnover levels and profit levels at the local grocery stores around the minimarkets. Further, it is hoped that the results of this research could provide substantial reference in developing policies and programs that support the local economic development and the sustainability of MSMEs in Bahodopi District, Morowali Regency.

Keyword: The Impact of Modern Mini Market, Small Stall Revenue, Customer Decline, Turnover and Profit.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Commentary on: Eprints 0 not found.
Divisions: Kampus 2 Morowali > Ekonomi Manajemen
SWORD Depositor: Users 0 not found.
Depositing User: Users 0 not found.
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2025 07:16
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 07:14
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