Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
Palu City is one of the provinces known for its fried onion products. The development of the fried onion business in Palu City has created business competition, so it is very necessary to make efforts to win the brand. The development of the business is clearly seen with the emergence of many new brands that make brand competition increasingly fierce in attracting the attention of consumers. One way to attract consumers' attention is to have good brand equity in the community. Brand equity is divided into 4 namely: Brand Awareness, Quality Perception, Brand Association and Brand Loyalty. This study aims to determine the effect of brand equity on purchasing decisions of fried onion products Hj. Mbok Sri in Palu City. This research is a case study in which the location of the research was carried out at the Souvenir Shop Hj. Mbok Sri in December 2021 to January 2022. Determination of the respondents as many as 30 people who have bought fried onions. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression. The results showed that: the value of R2 was 0.755 or 75.5%, the F test results showed that the significant value was Fcount (19.266) > Ftable (2.760) significance (? 5% = 0.05). it means that together the variables that have a significant effect on purchasing decisions are obtained. As for partially in the T-test test, the brand awareness variable (X1) has a 36.5?fect on the purchasing decision variable (Y), and brand loyalty (X3) has a 62.7?fect on the purchasing decision variable (Y) while the brand association variable (X2) and perceived quality (X4) got a regression coefficient with a negative sign and got a significance value greater than 5%, so it was concluded that the brand association variable (X2) and perceived quality (X4) did not have a significant effect on the purchasing decision variable (Y).
Keywords: Fried Onions, Purchasing Decisions, Brand Equity.
Kota Palu merupakan salah satu provinsi yang di kenal dengan produk bawang gorengnya. Perkembangan usaha bawang goreng di Kota Palu telah menimbulkan persaingan usaha sehingga sangat perlu ada upaya untuk memenangkan mereknya. Perkembangan bisnis tersebut terlihat jelas dengan banyaknya muncul merek baru sehingga membuat persaingan merek semakin ketat dalam menarik perhatian konsumen. Salah satu cara untuk menarik perhatian konsumen yaitu dengan mempunyai ekuitas merek yang baik di masyarakat. Ekuitas merek terbagi 4 yaitu : Kesadaran Merek, Persepsi Kualitas, Asosiasi Merek dan Loyalitas Merek. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh ekuitas merek terhadap keputusan pembelian produk bawang goreng Hj. Mbok Sri di Kota Palu. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus yang lokasi peneitiannya di lakukan di Toko Oleh-Oleh Hj. Mbok Sri pada bulan Desember 2021 sampai Januari 2022. Penentuan responden sebanyak 30 orang yang pernah membeli bawang goreng. Alat analisis yang di gunakan yaitu regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : nilai R2 adalah 0,755 atau 75,5%, Hasil uji F menunjukkan bahwa nilai signifikan Fhitung (19.266) > FTabel (2.760) signifikansi (? 5% = 0,05). artinya secara bersama sama diperoleh variabel yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap keputusan pembelian. adapun secara parsial dalam pengujian Uji T, variabel kesadaran merek (X1) memiliki pengaruh 36.5% terhadap variabel keputusan pembelian (Y), dan loyalitas merek (X3) memiliki pengaruh 62.7% terhadap variabel keputusan pembelian (Y) dengan nilai signifkansi lebih kecil dari 5% sedangkan variabel asosiasi merek (X2) dan persepsi kualitas (X4) mendapat hasil koefesien regresi dengan tanda negative dan mendapatkan nilai signifikansi lebih besar dari 5% maka di simpulkan variabel asosiasi merek (X2) dan persepsi kualitas (X4) tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel keputusan pembelian (Y).
Kata Kunci : Bawang Goreng, Keputusan Pembelian, Ekuitas Merek.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Commentary on: | Eprints 0 not found. |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis |
SWORD Depositor: | Users 0 not found. |
Depositing User: | Users 0 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 22 Jan 2025 07:16 |
Last Modified: | 06 Feb 2025 07:14 |
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