Analisis Produksi Usahatani Padi Sawah Di Desa Toribulu Kecamatan Toribulu Kabupaten Parigi Moutong

ALIN AYU PRATIWI (2023) Analisis Produksi Usahatani Padi Sawah Di Desa Toribulu Kecamatan Toribulu Kabupaten Parigi Moutong. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Tadulako.

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This study aims to determine how much influence land, seeds, fertilizers, labor, pesticides have on the production of lowland rice farming in Toribulu Village, Toribulu District, Parigi Moutong Regency. This research was conducted in January – February 2023. The research location was determined purposively (Purposive Sampling) with the consideration that Toribulu Village is part of the Toribulu sub-district which has the highest lowland rice production with a harvested area of 446.5 ha and a production of 225 tons. in Parigi Moutong District. Data sources are primary data and secondary data. Data Analysis Method Analysis of the Cobb-Douglas production function in this study used a quantitative approach to determine the factors that influence production. Simultaneously (Test F) the variable land area (X?), seeds (X_2), fertilizer (X_3), labor (X_4), pesticides (X_5) have a significant effect on paddy rice production in Toribulu Village, Partially (Test t) variable land area (X_1), seeds (X_2), fertilizers (X_3), pesticides (X_5) have a significant effect on the production of lowland rice farming. While labor (X_4) has no real effect on the production of lowland rice farming in Toribulu Village, Toribulu District, Parigi Moutong Regency

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Commentary on: Eprints 0 not found.
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis
SWORD Depositor: Users 0 not found.
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Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2025 07:16
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 07:14
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