Faktor-faktor Yang Memengaruhi Pendapatan Usahatani Kelapa Sawit Di Desa Dapurang Kecamatan Dapurang Kabupaten Pasangkayu

MASNIYANTI (2021) Faktor-faktor Yang Memengaruhi Pendapatan Usahatani Kelapa Sawit Di Desa Dapurang Kecamatan Dapurang Kabupaten Pasangkayu. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Tadulako.

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This study aims to determine the effect of labor wages, fertilizer costs and the amount of production on oil palm farming income in Dapurang village, Dapurang District, Pasangkayu Regency. This research was conducted in Dapurang Village from July to September 2020. Respondents in this study were oil palm farmers who were determined using a simple random sampling method with a total sample of 40 oil palm farmers. The analytical tools in this research are income analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that simultaneously labor wage factors, fertilizer costs and total production had a significant and significant effect on oil palm farming income with an Fcount of (51,286) > Ftable value (2,87). Partially labor wage factor with tcount (1,966) > ttable (1,688), fertilizer cost factor with tcount (3,613) > ttable (1,688) and total production factor with tcount (2,658) > ttable (1,688), so each of these factors have a significant and significant effect on the income of oil palm farming in Dapurang Village, Dapurang District, Pasangkayu Regency.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Commentary on: Eprints 0 not found.
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis
SWORD Depositor: Users 0 not found.
Depositing User: Users 0 not found.
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2025 07:16
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 07:14
URI: https://repository.untad.ac.id/id/eprint/110634
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