Implementasi Metode Multi Objective Optimization On The Basis Of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) Pada Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Penerima Bantuan Iuran BPJS Kesehatan (Studi Kasus: Desa Loru Kabupaten Sigi)

RUDY REYNOLD RICHARDO TAMPATONDA (2020) Implementasi Metode Multi Objective Optimization On The Basis Of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) Pada Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Penerima Bantuan Iuran BPJS Kesehatan (Studi Kasus: Desa Loru Kabupaten Sigi). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Tadulako.

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This study aims to build an application that can carry out the selection process for prospective recipients of contribution assistance so that it is easier and becomes an alternative choice for the Village Government in determining eligible residents for BPJS Health contribution assistance in Loru Village, Sigi Regency. This decision support system application is web-based using the Hypertext Prepocessor (PHP) programming language with the Multi Objective Optimization method On The Basis Of The Ratio Analysis (MOORA), using sublime text 3 software and also MySQL as the database. The MOORA method is a new method introduced by Braurers and Zavadkas in 2006, has a level of capability and is ready to be applied and can be an option because it has the advantage of being simple in calculation. The MOORA method uses multiplication to relate the rating attribute, where the attribute rating must first be ranked with the associated weight. In this study, 444 households were used as data for heads of households. With the system, orders will be carried out objectively and in detail. To determine which residents are truly entitled to receive assistance, this is done by compiling citizen data by considering the value of the MOORA method formula for each of the specified criteria. The results that have been carried out by this author are a solution to determine the recipients of BPJS Health contribution assistance in Loru Village, Sigi Regency, so that the selection process can be more effective in terms of time and operation.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
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Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Informatika
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Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2025 07:16
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 07:14
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