FIISYATIN RODIAH F (2023) KAJIAN DEFORMASI PLASTIS LAPIS PERMUKAAN BERASPAL KONSTRUKSI JALAN LENTUR SAAT RETAK LEBAR. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_master' not defined] thesis, Universitas Tadulako.

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Study of Plastic Deformation of Asphalt Surface Flexible Road Construction When Wide Cracks – Fiisyatin Rodiah (1) ; Supevisor Commission – Dr. Ir. Syamsul Arifin(2) dan Dr. Sukiman Nurdin, ST, M.Sc.(3)

Road damage that occurred in several roads caused huge losses especially for road users such as long travel times, traffic jams, accidents, and others. In general, there are various causes of road damage, namely the age of the road plan that has been traversed, excessive repetitive traffic loads (overloaded), and low stability that causes road life shorter than planned. One of the road damage that we often encounter is cracks.This occurs as a result of the low voids in the mixture so that the asphalt mixture cannot reduce the stress received to the subgrade (subgrade) at the time of compaction with traffic. Based on this fact, this research is proposed to determine the prediction of road service life and estimate the rutting depth (groove) when the pavement has suffered wide crack damage based on LHR data. This test is carried out using field studies and laboratory studies as well as data analysis and graphic analysis. The results showed that the predicted service life of the pavement (TYW) when experiencing wide cracks was around 5.29 years. Which means that around the age of 5 years, the pavement will experience wide cracks. To obtain the predicted rutting depth, shows the relationship between subgrade CBR values and rutting depth (RDM) values. Where the higher the subbase thickness value, the RDM value also increases, this is due to the decreasing predictive value of the pavement layer depth.
Keywords: Road damage, Surface cracking, prediction of road service life (TYW), prediction of rutting depth (RDM).

Item Type: Thesis (['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_master' not defined])
Commentary on: Eprints 0 not found.
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Magister Teknik Sipil
SWORD Depositor: Users 0 not found.
Depositing User: Users 0 not found.
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2025 07:16
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 07:14
URI: https://repository.untad.ac.id/id/eprint/115155
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