Kelimpahan Serangga Hama Tanaman Padi (Oriza Sativa L.) Pada Perlakuan Beberapa Tanaman Refugia

ADELIA (2020) Kelimpahan Serangga Hama Tanaman Padi (Oriza Sativa L.) Pada Perlakuan Beberapa Tanaman Refugia. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Tadulako.

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This study aims to determine the abundance of insects pest of rice on the treatment of several refugia plants.The study was conducted in July to August 2019 in a rice field in Mpenau village, Sigi Biromaru District, Sigi Regency. The research was continued at the Plant Pest and Disease Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University. Research in the field there are 3 plots taking samples, namely control, kenikir and marigold. The sampling method uses the yellow pan trap, sweep net and physically. Insect pests are identified to species level. The results showed that the total number of insects caught was 206 individuals from 6 Orders, 31 Families and 44 Species. The highest absolute abundance value in the vegetative phase is 18 individuals of the lowest lepidoptera order, namely 1 individual order of trichoptera and hemiptera, the highest relative abundance value is 45.16%, the lowest diptera order is 2.27% trichoptera order, the highest absolute frequency value of the 6 lowest diptera orders is 1 hemiptera order, trichoptera, coleoptera and orthoptera, the highest relative frequency values of 60% are listed and the lowest 6.25% are orthopterous orders. In the generative phase the highest absolute abundance is 20 lowest hemiptera orders, 2 coleoptera and orthoptera, the highest relative abundance was 46.53%, the lowest hemiptera order was 4.65%, the orthoptera order, the highest absolute frequency value of 7 orders is listed and the lowest is 1 order hemiptera and orthoptera the highest relative frequency value is 58.31%, the lowest order is 6.25%, the orthoptera order.
Keywords: Abundance, Refugia, Insect Pest.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan serangga hama tanaman padi pada perlakuan beberapa tanaman refugia. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli hingga Agustus 2019 bertempat di pertanaman padi di desa Mpenau Kecematan Sigi Biromaru Kabupaten Sigi, penelitian ini dilanjutkan di Laboratorium Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tadulako. Penelitian dilapangan ada 3 plot pengambilan sampel yaitu kontrol, kenikir dan marigold. Metode pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan Yellow pan trap, Sweep net dan Secara fisik. Serangga hama di identifikasi sampai tingkat spesies. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah keseluruhan serangga tertangkap sebanyak 206 individu dari 6 Ordo, 31 Family dan 44 Spesies. Nilai kelimpahan mutlak tertinggi pada fase vegetatif yaitu 18 individu ordo lepidoptera yang terendah yaitu 1 individu ordo trichoptera dan hemiptera, nilai kelimpahan relatif tertinggi sebesar 45,16% ordo diptera terendah yaitu 2,27% ordo trichoptera, nilai frekuensi mutlak tertinggi sebesar 6 ordo diptera terendah yaitu 1ordo hemiptera, trichoptera, coleoptera dan orthoptera, nilai frekuansi relatif tertinggi sebesar 60% ordo diptera dan yang terendah 6,25% ordo orthoptera. Pada fase generatif nilai kelimpahan mutlak yang tertinggi yaitu 20 individu ordo hemiptera terendah yaitu 2 individu ordo coleoptera dan orthoptera, nilai kelimpahan relatif tertinggi sebesar 46,53% ordo hemiptera terendah 4,65% ordo orthoptera, nilai frekuensi mutlak tertinggi sebesar 7 ordo diptera dan yang terendah 1 ordo hemiptera dan orthoptera, nilai frekuensi relatif tertinggi sebesar 58,31% ordo diptera terendah 6,25% ordo orthoptera.
Kata Kunci: Kelimpahan, Refugia, Serangga Hama.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Commentary on: Eprints 0 not found.
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroteknologi
SWORD Depositor: Users 0 not found.
Depositing User: Users 0 not found.
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2025 07:16
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 07:14
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