Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
Ayu Magdalena Soputan
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of using Make a Match Model Technique in teaching vocabulary of the eighth grade students at SMP Negeri 1 AtapMatako. In this research, the researcher used quasi experimental research design in which the samples were selected using total sampling technique.In collecting the required data, researcher tested the students. Then, the results of the test were analyzed statistically in order to find out the significant difference between two groups (control group and experimental group). The result of the test showed that there is the significant difference between the two groups after the application of Make a Match Model Technique to the experimental group. This is supported by the fact that the mean score of the experimental group improved significantly from 30.80 to 62.80. Meanwhile, the mean score of the control group developed insignificantly from 31.80 to 34.00. Referring to the ttablevalue of df 48 (25+25-2) by applying 0.05 level of significance on one-tailed test, it was obtained that the tcountedvalue of this research (8.29) is higher than the ttablevalue (1.67). The finding of this research suggests that using Make a Match Model Technique can increase vocabulary of grade eight students at SMP Negeri 1 AtapMatako.
Keywords: Increase, Make a Match Model Technique, Vocabulary.
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk meneliti keefektifan dari penggunaan Teknik Model Mencocokkan dalam pembelajaran kosakata di kelas delapan SMP Negeri 1 Atap Matako. Di penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan desain kuasi eksperimen di mana sampel dipilih menggunakan teknil pengambilan sampel total. Dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti memberikan tes kepada siswa. Kemudian, hasil tes tersebut dianalisa secara statistik untuk menemukan perbedaan yang signifikan dari kedua kelompok (kelompok kontrol dan kelompok eksperimen). Hasil tes menunjukkan adanya perbedaan signifikan dari kedua kelompok setelah pengaplikasian Teknik Model Pencocokkan terhadap kelompok eksperimen. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan perolehan nilai rata-rata kelompok eksperimen meningkat secara signifikan dari 30.80 ke 62.80. Sementara, perolehan nilai rata-rata kelompok kontrol hanya mengalami peningkatan dari 31.80 ke 34.00. Merujuk pada nilai ttabel dari df 48 (25+25-2) dengan mengaplikasikan tingkat signifikan 0.05 pada tes satu arah, diperoleh bahwa nilai thitung (8.29) lebih tinggi dari nilai ttabel (1.67). Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa menggunakan Teknik Model Mencocokkan dapat meningkatkan kosakata siswa kelas delapan di SMP Negeri 1 Atap Matako.
Kata kunci: Meningkatkan, Teknik Model Mencocokkan, Kosakata.
As the list of a collection of words or phrases of language, vocabulary provides a crucial effect to students in language learning classes as it enables students to communicate fluently and easily in both written and spoken forms of the language itself. According to Richards and Renandya (2002) Vocabulary is the core components of the language proficiency and it provides much of the basic for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write. It is clearly stated that vocabulary is very important to be learn because it is one of media to give and get ideas in communication. Further, Zawil (2016) explains that having a sufficient vocabulary will enable one person to communicate fluently and easily because it is one of the main requirements to achieve a good communication. In addition, Lakka (2016) notes that mastering vocabulary will not only lead to fluent communication, but also lead to the mastery of the four language skills, specifically on conveying ideas. Therefore, without mastering vocabulary, surely it is not easy to interpret or comprehend what is being communicated. However, it is important to note that vocabulary itself is more complex than the definitions provided (Alizadeh, 2016).
In line with the previous paragraph, vocabulary has an important role in language teaching. If the students master enough English vocabulary, they would be easy to understand English. It is impossible for students to make sentences in communication without mastering vocabulary. Cameron (1994) explains that words seem to be a basic level category in the language learning process. Some teachers should teach learners new words before they tell them and read them. In other words, if there is no sufficient knowledge of mastering vocabulary, one will not be able to express his or her ideas or even to communicate with others by using the target language.
In curriculum of 2013, the goal of teaching English, especially at SMP Negeri 1 AtapMatako is to enable students to use the language. The students are directed to be able to express ideas, feelings, opinions as well as the use of the language to communicate with others in daily life. Thus, students in junior school level need to master approximately 1000 words. However, the students still faced difficulties. These difficulties were obtained through the interview between the researcher and the English teacher. They are: (1) the students had difficulties to memorize words and did not know the meaning of some words; (2) they got bored during the teaching and learning process because the teacher only used conventional teaching method as the English teacher explained that the students did other things when the teacher explained the lesson; and (3) some students both made jokes with their friends and did not attend the class. Thus, to overcome the problems, the teacher needs to create or to find an interesting way to help the students enrich their vocabulary.
Faced with the existing problems, it was crucial to apply a fun and interesting teaching technique which requires the students work cooperatively in classroom activities. Moreover, the teaching technique that fit the criteria is Make a Match Model Technique. Make a Match Model Technique is one of the cooperative learning methods which was proposed and introduced by Curran (1994). The basic principle of this technique is that students need to find partners while learning a particular topic by being involved in an interesting classroom atmosphere (Curran, 1994). This technique includes a procedure of giving sentences and answers in provided cards which contain some vocabulary. More importantly, the students will keep enjoying learning the lesson in the classroom.
In order to encourage the students to be engaged in learning English vocabulary, teachers may introduce Make a Match Model Technique during the teaching and learning process. However, the application of this technique needs well-arranged preparation (Zawil, 2016). The procedures of teaching vocabulary through Make a Match Model Technique as adapted from Aqib (2013); Zawil (2016); and Nikmahet al (2018) are as follows: (1) the teacher prepares some cards that contain some concepts or a suitable topic for review session; (2) every student will receive a card; (3) every student thinks about the answer or the question from the card that they hold; (4) every student finds their partner that has a matching card with his card; (5) every student who finds their suitable card before the time up will get a point; (6) after the first session, the card is shuffled, so the students will get the different card in the next session; and (7) teacher together with the students make a conclusion from the material that has been given by teacher.
The advantages of Make a Match Model Technique are found to be useful as explained by experts. In addition, the advantages of Make a Match Model Technique as adapted and developed from Zawil (2016); and Nikmahet al (2018) in the process of teaching and learning of vocabulary are as follows: (1) the students looking for the pair while learning about a concept or topic in a pleasant atmosphere; (2) each student can be directly involved in answering a question given to them in the form of a card; (3) it can increase the students’ creativity through matching the cards; (4) it can help avoid students being bored during the teaching-learning process; (5) the students’ cooperation will emerge dynamically; (6) there is dynamic mutual help between the students; and (7) it can create a more interesting classroom atmosphere. On the other hand, the disadvantages of Make a Match Model Technique as adapted from Zawil (2016); and Nikmahet al (2018) are that: (1) requires guidance from the teacher to conduct the activity; (2) the time needed to be limited, students is not to let play too much in the learning process; (3) teachers need to prepare adequate materials and tools; and (4) it will create noise and crowds that are not controlled.
Regarding previous explanations, the use of Make a Match Model Technique in the vocabulary teaching has been investigated by some researchers. One of them was conducted by Zawil (2016) entitled “Using Make a Match Technique to Teach Vocabulary.†The objective of this research was to find out the use of the Make a Match Technique to improve the mastery of vocabulary. The population of the research was the eighth grade students at SMP Negeri 18 Banda Aceh. Additionally, this research was conducted using true experimental research design. The samples of this research were selected by using random sampling technique. Moreover, the result of the research concluded that the students taught by using Make a Match Technique obtained better scores in vocabulary than those in the control group.
Another research was conducted by Nikmahet al (2018) entitled “The Effectiveness of Make a Match Technique in Teaching Vocabulary.†The objective of the study aimed at finding out the effectiveness of Make a Match Technique in teaching vocabulary. The population of this research was the eleventh grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Medan. This research was conducted through pre-experimental research design, One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The samples of the research were chosen by using lottery technique (cluster sampling technique). Further, the result of the research shows that Make a Match Technique is effective to improve the students’ vocabulary.
In conducting the research, the researcher applied quasi-experimental to prove that using of Make a Match Model Technique is effective to increase the students’ vocabulary. There are two groups; an experimental group and control group. The experimental group and control group were given pretest and posttest but only the experimental group got treatment. The design of this research is proposed by Cohenet al (2018:407) as follows :
In which :
O1, O3 : pre-test
O2, O4 : post-test
X : treatment
In this research, the second year students of SMP Negeri 1 AtapMatako in the academic year of 2019/2020 were selected as the population of this research. The population consisted of two classes, grade VIII A was chosen as the experimental group and grade VIII B was chosen as the control group. Each class consisted of 25 students. Additionally, the samples were selected through the total sampling technique. Moreover, the instrument used in this research was the test instrument and non-test instrument (observation).
In this research, the researcher only used test as the technique in collecting the data. The test consists of three kinds: multiple choice, matching and completion. The multiple choice consists of 10 items and each item scored 1 point for the right answer. Matching consists of 5 items, which is given 1 point for the right answer. Completion consists of 5 items. It also scored 1 point for correct answer, and 0 point for the wrong answer. Afterwards, the data of this research were analyzed statistically. To analyze the data gathered from the students, the researcher calculated the individual score of the students by using formula quoted from Arikunto (2006:276):
? :standard Score
: sum of correct Answer
N : maximum score
100 : fixed score
After having the individual scores, the researcher calculated the mean score of the experimental and control group on the pretest and posttest by using the formula that is proposed by Gayetal(2012:323) below.
in which :
: mean score
: sum of final scores
: number of students
Afterwards, the researcher squared the deviation scores and summed them. Then, the researcher computed the variance or the mean of squared deviations from the mean by using the formula proposed by Gay et al (2012:338) which can be seen below.
SS = ?
Where :
SS : mean of the sum of squared deviation scores
: sum of the squared deviation scores
: sum of the deviation scores
: number of scores
Last, in order to find out whether the hypothesis is accepted or rejected, the researcher used the ttest formula proposed by Gay et al (2012:351) as follows:
t =
In which :
t : significant difference between the experimental and control groups
: mean score of the experimental group
: mean score of the control group
SS1 : mean of the sum of squared deviation scores of the experimental group
SS2 : mean of the sum of squared deviation scores of the control group
: number of the students in the experimental group
: number of the students in the control group
If the t-observed is higher than t-table, it means that the hypothesis is accepted or there is significant effect. In other words, the use of Make a Match Model Technique can increase vocabulary of grade eight students at SMP Negeri 1 AtapMatako.
In collecting the data, the researcher used tests as the instrument of the research. It means that the data collection of the research is in form of numeric data. There were two kinds of test in this research. There were pretest and posttest. The research gave pre-test to the research subjects in both experimental and control groups to find out the prior knowledge of the students. The post-test was given after the treatment. The pre-test was conducted on August, 01st 2019 and the post-test was held on August, 30th 2019.
The Result of the Pretest
The highest score obtained by the experimental group on the pretest is 65.00, the lowest one is 0. Meanwhile, the highest score obtained by the control group on the pretest is 60.00, the lowest score is 10.00.
Table 1
The Pretest Result of Both Groups
Experimental Group
Control Group
Total Score
Mean Score
The Result of the Posttest
The highest score obtained by the experimental group on the posttest is 95.00, the lowest one is 50.00. As for the control group, the highest score obtained on the posttest is 60.00, the lowest score is 5.00.
Table 2
The Posttest Result of Both Groups
Experimental Group
Control Group
Total Score
Mean Score
The Result of Deviation Scores
The highest deviation score is obtained by the experimental group is 32.20 and the lowest one is (-12.80). In contrast, the highest deviation obtained by the control group is 26.00, the lowest score obtained is (-29.00).
Table 3
The Deviation Scores of Both Groups
Experimental Group
Control Group
Sum of Deviation
Sum of Squared Deviation
Furthermore, the researcher then computed the tcountedvalue by using the formula proposed by Gay et al (2012:351). It was found that the thetcountedvalue of the research is 8.41. After obtaining the tcountedvalue of the research, the researcher determined the ttablevalue of df48 (25+25-2). By applying 0.05 level of significance on one-tailed test,it is found that the ttablevalue of df48 is 1.67. Hence, the research hypothesis is accepted as the tcountedvalue (8.29) of the research is higher than the ttablevalue (1.67). All in all, it is concluded that using Make a Match Model Technique can increase vocabulary of grade eight students at SMP Negeri 1 AtapMatako.
The intention of this research was to find out whether using Make a Match Model Technique can increase vocabulary of grade eight students at SMPN 1 AtapMatako or not. The subjects of this research were two parallel classes at SMPN 1 AtapMatako because they had problem in learning English, especially in vocabulary. In line with it, the researcher used total sampling technique in choosing the samples. In this research, the researcher chose class A as the experimental group and class B as the control group. To measure their prior vocabulary, the researcher gave pre-test to both groups. There are three kinds of tests which the researcher used, they are: multiple choice (10 points), matching (5 points) and completion(5 points).
To begin with, the pre-test was conducted on August 1st, 2019. Based on the result of the pretest, the researcher found that the experimental group’s performance on pretest shows that the highest score achievement is 65.00 and the lowest one is 10. By considering the data, it is found that 24 out of 25 students of the experimental group (96%) obtained <65>5), eight students (32%) passed the matching part of the test (obtained ? 3 point), and only seven students (28%) of this group passed the completion test (obtained ? 3 point).Supporting the results on the pretest and posttest of both groups, the result of interview also supports this research about Make a Match Model Technique to increase students’ vocabulary. In the first interview, the researcher took a conclusion that most of students did not like English because they still got difficulties to memorize words and did not know the meaning of the words. It discouraged their self-confidence to express their ideas through English because they lacked of vocabulary.
In line with the previous paragraphs, how did the application of Make a Match Model Technique increase the students’ vocabulary? As explained previously, (1) each student can be directly involved in answering a question given to them in the form of a card; (2) it can increase the students’ creativity through matching the cards; (3) it can help avoid students being bored during the teaching-learning process; and (4) it can create a more interesting classroom atmosphere. Moreover, result clarifies that by using the Make a MatchModel Technique, teachers can motivate and encourage their students to be more interested and enthusiastic in learning English. In teaching English to junior high school students, teachers can use the Make a Match technique to make teaching-learning easier. When the students are more interested in learning, they will concentrate and participate more actively in the class. Moreover, the results of the research support the findings by Zawil (2016) and Nikmahet al (2018).
In the teaching and learning process of vocabulary through the use of Make a Match Model Technique, the students showed their enthusiasm. Thus, the researcher drew a conclusion that the use of this technique can increase vocabulary of grade eight students at SMP Negeri 1 AtapMatako. However, after examining the key points of the research, it was found that there still some errors occurred in the process of the research. In line with that, the researcher would like to provide the prospects for future researchers that this technique will be much more effective to be applied among less number of students. Also, the application of the technique should be applied in at least two sessions, therefore, the shuffle of the card is needed to support and strengthen the students’ understanding about vocabulary.
The researcher would like to thank Nadrun, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Ed., for providing help and support as well as constructive comments and suggestions during the completion of this scientific article. Additionally, the researcher was also helpedand guided by Mashuri, S.Pd., M.A. within the revision period.Last but not least, the researcher sincerely thanks Nur Sehang Thamrin, S.Pd., M.Ed. for assistance in constructing the informative and valuable scientific article. Finally, the researcher sends deepest thanks and appreciation to the three parties involved in the writing process and revision part of this article. All of whom are the lecturers at English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tadulako University.
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Date Deposited: | 22 Jan 2025 07:16 |
Last Modified: | 06 Feb 2025 07:14 |
URI: | https://repository.untad.ac.id/id/eprint/120142 |
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