Pengangkutan Ikan Padi Poso (Oryzias Nigrimas) Pada Media Bersalinitas

RIDWAN (2020) Pengangkutan Ikan Padi Poso (Oryzias Nigrimas) Pada Media Bersalinitas. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Tadulako.

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Oryzias nigrimas rice fish species are increasingly rare, and since 1996 have been listed as endangered species. studies on the biological aspects of Lake Poso native fish are still lacking. This results in a study of the biological aspects and domestication of rice fish. One of the stages of domestication of wild fish is bringing fish from its natural habitat in a controlled environment to breed.
The study aimed to examine the method of transport with maternity media to support the survival of Poso rice fish. The study was conducted in June 2019. The location of the study starts from Lake Poso, Kab. Poso, Sulawesi was then carried out transportation activities with the final destination location of the Water Quality and Aquatic Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Tadulako University and then carried out maintenance.
The material used in this research is oxygen filled cylinder. salt, Poso rice fish, and Artemia natural food. The study design used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments given are A (0 ppt media salinity (control)), B (1 ppt media salinity (0.115 g salt / liter of water)), C (2 ppt media salinity (0.239 g salt / liter of water)), and D ( 3 ppt media salinity (0.354 g salt / liter of water)). The data that has been obtained include survival data analyzed descriptively. The results showed an increase in salinity could not maintain the survival of Poso rice fish. Based on morphometric and meristic data, the test organism is Oryzias nigrimas.

Keywords: Transport, Oryzias nigrimas and Salinity.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Commentary on: Eprints 0 not found.
Divisions: Fakultas Peternakan dan Perikanan > Akuakultur
SWORD Depositor: Users 0 not found.
Depositing User: Users 0 not found.
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2025 07:16
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 07:14
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