Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
Setiap musim hujan lereng pada ruas jalan Tawaeli-Toboli sering mengalami bencana tanah longsor baik lereng-lereng hasil pemotongan atau lereng-lereng dalam kondisi asli. Kemiringan lereng umum antara 45° - 65°, bahkan di antaranya ada yang hampir tegak (90°) termasuk ke dalam lereng curam-sangat curam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui lapisan tanah berdasarkan data hasil pengujian geolistrik, karakteristik tanah, intensitas hujan yang dapat memicu terjadinya longsor dan pengaruh beban gempa terhadap kestabilan lereng pada ruas jalan Taweli-Toboli km 49+450. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan melakukan survei lokasi penelitian, pengujian geolistrik dan pengambilan sampel tanah. Sampel tanah kemudian di uji untuk mengetahui karakteristik tanah berupa sifat fisis dan mekanis tanah. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan 2 jenis aplikasi yaitu pengolahan data geolistrik dengan aplikasi Res2Dinv dan analisis stabilitas lereng menggunakan metode elemen hingga dengan aplikasi Plaxis 2D. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dilokasi penelitian lapisan pertama diduga sebagai lapisan tanah pasir (Sand) dan lapisan kedua diduga sebagai lapisan Deeply Weathered Gneis. Karakteristik tanah secara umum termasuk dalam kelompok SP. Hasil analisis stabilitas lereng tanpa hujan dengan faktor keamanan sebesar 1,108. Hujan dengan intensitas 19,201 mm/jam dan intensitas 20,989 mm/jam memerlukan durasi 5 jam untuk mengalami kelongsoran (Faktor Keamanan <1) sedangkan hujan dengan intensitas 23,262 mm/jam hanya memerlukan durasi hujan 4 jam hingga mengalami keruntuhan total. Perubahan tekanan air pori pada tanah juga terjadi akibat pengaruh infiltrasi air hujan pada permukaan lereng. Tekanan air pori pada simulasi lereng tanpa hujan bernilai 0 kPa, hujan dengan durasi yang sama yaitu 3 jam intensitas 19,201 mm/jam tekanan air pori bernilai 12,27 kPa, intensitas 20,989 mm/jam tekanan air pori bernilai 15,40 kPa dan tekanan air pori hujan intensitas 23,262 mm/jam bernilai 19,01 kPa. Hasil analisis akibat pengaruh beban gempa diperoleh nilai faktor keamanan 1,011.
Kata Kunci: Lereng, Intensitas Hujan, Geolistrik, Gempa, Plaxis 2D, Faktor Keamanan.
Every rainy season, the slopes on the Tawaeli-Toboli road section often experience landslides, both slopes that have been cut or slopes that are in their original condition. The general slope is between 45°-65°, some of which are almost vertical (90°), including steep slopes - very steep. The aim of this research is to determine the soil layers based on data from geoelectric testing results, soil characteristics, rain intensity which can trigger landslides and the influence of earthquake loads on slope stability on the Taweli-Toboli road section km 49+450. This research began by conducting a survey of the research location, geoelectric testing and taking soil samples. Soil samples are then tested to determine soil characteristics in the form of physical and mechanical properties of the soil. Data analysis was carried out using 2 types of applications, namely geoelectric data processing with the Res2Dinv application and slope stability analysis using the finite element method with the Plaxis 2D application. The results of this research show that at the research location the first layer is thought to be the sand layer and the second layer is thought to be the Deeply Weathered Gneiss layer. Soil characteristics in general are included in the SP group. Results of slope stability analysis without rain with a safety factor of 1.108. Rain with an intensity of 19,201 mm/hour and an intensity of 20,989 mm/hour requires a duration of 5 hours to experience landslides (Safety Factor <1) while rain with an intensity of 23,262 mm/hour only requires a rain duration of 4 hours to experience complete collapse. Changes in pore water pressure in the soil also occur due to the influence of rainwater infiltration on the slope surface. Pore water pressure on a simulated slope without rain is 0 kPa, rain with the same duration is 3 hours, intensity is 19.201 mm/hour, pore water pressure is 12.27 kPa, intensity is 20.989 mm/hour, pore water pressure is 15.40 kPa and water pressure The rain pore intensity of 23.262 mm/hour has a value of 19.01 kPa. The results of the analysis due to the influence of earthquake loads obtained a safety factor value of 1.011.
Keywords: Slope, Rain Intensity, Geoelectricity, Earthquake, 2D Plaxis, Safety Factor.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Commentary on: | Eprints 0 not found. |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil |
SWORD Depositor: | Users 0 not found. |
Depositing User: | Users 0 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 22 Jan 2025 07:16 |
Last Modified: | 06 Feb 2025 07:14 |
URI: | https://repository.untad.ac.id/id/eprint/125798 |
Baca Full Text: | Baca Sekarang |