Pengaruh Subtitusi Dedak Padi Dengan Bungkil Inti Sawit Terhadap Produksi Telur, Konsumsi Dan FCR Ayam Ras Petelur

FIONITA (2023) Pengaruh Subtitusi Dedak Padi Dengan Bungkil Inti Sawit Terhadap Produksi Telur, Konsumsi Dan FCR Ayam Ras Petelur. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Tadulako.

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Feed cost in animal production is about 70-80%. Efforts to reduce the cost of feed are to find alternative food-feed materials. One of the local ingredients that farmers have been using as feed from rice bran. The study is aimed at seeing if a subsection of rice is affected by the sapodilation of the egg, the consumption, and the conversion of the egg feed. The study has been carried out in a cage of the development and agriculture laboratory and fisheries college of farm and fisheries, the university of tadulako in the village of southern sibalaya, sub-district of tanambulava, sigi district, central sulawesi province. The study ran from March 01 to April 11, 2022, using 96 32-week egg-laying chickens. The design used is a complete random with 6 treatments and 4 deuteronomy. P0 treatment: 50% corn, 35% concentrates, and 15% bran, P1: 50% corn, 35% concentrates, 12% bran, and 3% palm core wrappers, P2: 50% corn, 35% concentrates, 9% bran, and 3% palm core wrappers, P3: 50% corn, 35% concentrates, 6% bran, and 9% palm kernel meal, P4: 50% corn, 35% concentrates, 3% bran, and 12% palm core wrappers, P5: 50% corn, 35% concentrates, and 15% palm core wrappers. The observed conversion is egg production, consumption of feed and conversion of feed. The results of this study suggest that treatment has no significant effect (p> 0.05) on the production of eggs, consumption, food and conversion of food.

Keyword: palm core wrappers, egg production, food consumption, egg FCR.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Commentary on: Eprints 0 not found.
Divisions: Fakultas Peternakan dan Perikanan > Peternakan
SWORD Depositor: Users 0 not found.
Depositing User: Users 0 not found.
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2025 07:16
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 07:14
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