Peran Para Pihak Dalam Pengelolaan Objek Wisata Mangrove Karosondaya Desa Sausu Tambu Kecamatan Sausu Kabupaten Parigi Moutong

FEBRIANI (2024) Peran Para Pihak Dalam Pengelolaan Objek Wisata Mangrove Karosondaya Desa Sausu Tambu Kecamatan Sausu Kabupaten Parigi Moutong. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Tadulako.

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Indonesia has quite extensive mangroves. requires cooperation that has been carried out in the interests of both individual groups and agencies regarding the existence of mangrove forests which have different results. There are quite a lot of types of interests in mangrove forests if seen from the interests of actors in various aspects of the existence of green belts that are not changed for other purposes, biodiversity. This research was conducted for 3 months, namely from November to January 2024, Sausu Tambu Village, Sausu District, Parigi Moutong Regency. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data sources used are through observations and interviews who are parties involved in managing mangrove tourism objects. The samples in this research are KPH Dolago Tanggunung, Village Government, KTH, Traditional Institutions, Coastal Communities, KTH, Environmental Service, Fisheries and Marine Service, Paratourism Service, Tadulako University, Forestry Instructors, Pond Farmers, BUMDES. The results of research it is clear that the parties who have the main role in managing mangrove tourist attractions in Sausu Tambu Village are: Village Government, KPH Dolago Tanggunung, BUMDES, Forestry Extension Based Influence (influence) and The interests of the parties are mapped into 4 categories which are grouped as follows: (1) Subject: Coastal Communities, Environmental Services, KTH, (2) Key Players: Village Government, KPH Dolago Tanggunung, BUMDES, Forestry Extension Officer, (3) Context Setter: Department of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, Department of Tourism, (4) Crowd: Traditional Institutions, Pond Farmers, Tadukalo University.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
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Divisions: Fakultas Kehutanan > Kehutanan
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Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2025 07:16
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 07:14
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