Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
Desa Cendana adalah salah satu desa yang ada di kabupaten Tojo Una-Una, Kecamatan Una-Una tepatnya di Pulau Una-Una yang sepanjang desanya berada di pesisir pantai. Pasang surut pada Pantai Cendana mengakibatkan terjadinya abrasi dan perubahan garis pantai. Untuk mencegah timbulnya masalah kerusakan-kerusakan pantai dibutuhkan beberapa Tindakan, seperti dengan membuat bangunan pengaman pantai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh tinggi pasang maksimum dan surut minimum, dan membandingkan serta menganalisa hasil prediksi pasang surut dengan dua metode. Terdapat beberapa metode yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan komponen pasang surut, diantaranya metode Least Square dan metode Admiralty. Dimana hasil olah data menggunakan metode ini dapat diketahui berdasarkan pengamatan pasang surut selama 15 hari pada pantai Cendana. Tipe pasang surut yang terjadi berdasarkan hasil peritungan bilangan Formzhal menggunakan Metode Least Square dan Metode Admiralty yaitu tipe pasang surut campuran condong ke harian ganda. Berdasarkan konstanta harmonik pasang surut diperoleh nilai elevasi muka air pada Metode Least Square diperoleh nilai HAT sebesar 1,575 m sedangkan Metode Admiralty sebesar 2,369 m. Nilai MHHWS Metode Least Square sebesar 1,374 m sedangkan Metode Admiralty sebesar 1,874 m. Nilai MHHWN Metode Least Square sebesar 0,919 m sedangkan Metode Admiralty sebesar 1,120 m. Nilai MSL Metode Least Square sebesar 0,862 m sedangkan Metode Admiralty sebesar 0,858 m. Nilai MLLWN Metode Least Square sebesar 0,806 m sedangkan Metode Admiralty sebesar 0,0,597 m. Nilai MLLWS Metode Least Square sebesar 0,351 m sedangkan Metode Admiralty sebesar -0,157 m. Nilai LAT Metode Least Square sebesar 0,150 m sedangkan Metode Admiralty sebesar -0,652 m. Dari kedua Metode tersebut selisih nilai amplitude terbesar terdapat pada komponen P1 yaitu sebesar 0,081 m. sedangkan untuk selisih beda fase terbesar terdapat komponen O1 yaitu sebesar 72,833?. Dari hasil perbandingan peritungan RMSE pada Metode Least Square diperoleh RMSE sebesar 0,012 m sedangkan untuk Metode Admiralty sebesar 0,655 m. Nilai RMSE minimum terdapat pada metode Least Square sehingga dalam menentukan tipe pasang surut lebih disarankan menggunakan metode Least Square.
Cendana Village is one of the villages in the Tojo Una-Una district, Una-Una District, precisely on Una-Una Island, which along the village is on the coast. The tides on Cendana Beach cause abrasion and shoreline changes. To prevent the problem of beach damage, several actions are needed, such as by constructing a coastal protection structure. This study aims to obtain the maximum high tide and minimum low tide, and compare and analyze the results of tidal predictions with two methods. There are several methods that can be used to determine the tidal component, including the Least Square method and the Admiralty method. Where the results of data processing using this method can be known based on tidal observations for 15 days on the Cendana beach. The type of tide that occurs is based on the calculation of the Formzhal number using the Least Square Method and the Admiralty Method, namely the mixed tidal type tends to double daily. Based on the tidal harmonic constants, the water level elevation value in the Least Square Method obtained the HAT value of 1.575 m while the Admiralty Method of 2.369 m. The MHHWS value of the Least Square Method is 1.374 m while the Admiralty Method is 1.874 m. The MHHWN value of the Least Square Method is 0.919 m while the Admiralty Method is 1.120 m. The MSL value of the Least Square Method is 0.862 m while the Admiralty Method is 0.858 m. The MLLWN value of the Least Square Method is 0.806 m while the Admiralty Method is 0.597 m. The MLLWS value of the Least Square Method is 0.351 m while the Admiralty Method is -0.150 m. The LAT value of the Least Square Method is 0.150 m while the Admiralty Method is -0.652 m. Of the two methods, the difference in the largest amplitude value is found in the P1 component, which is 0.081 m. while for the largest phase difference, there is an O1 component, which is 72.833?. From the results of the comparison of the RMSE calculations in the Least Square method, the RMSE is 0.012 m while the Admiralty method is 0.655 m. The minimum RMSE value is found in the Least Square method so that in determining the type of tide it is preferable to use the Least Square method.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Commentary on: | Eprints 0 not found. |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil |
SWORD Depositor: | Users 0 not found. |
Depositing User: | Users 0 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 22 Jan 2025 07:16 |
Last Modified: | 06 Feb 2025 07:14 |
URI: | https://repository.untad.ac.id/id/eprint/133614 |
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