Persepsi Petani Terhadap Risiko Produksi Padi Sawah Di Kecamatan Dampal Selatan Kabupaten Tolitoli

NURLIANA (2023) Persepsi Petani Terhadap Risiko Produksi Padi Sawah Di Kecamatan Dampal Selatan Kabupaten Tolitoli. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Tadulako.

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The purpose of this study was to determine how farmers' perceptions of the risk of lowland ricr productions in Dampal Selatan District, Tolitoli Regency. Knowing the strategies carried out by farmers in dealing with the risk of lowland rice productions in Dampal Selatan District, Tolitoli Regency. This research was conducted in South Dampal District, Tolitoli Regency. The determination of this location was chosen purposively with the consideration that the location is one of the sub-districts in Tolitoli Regency whose people cultivate lowland rice. Another consideration that is used as a reference is that lowland rice farming in South Dampal District has an indication of production risk, one of which is plant-disturbing organisms and weather factors. This research was carried out from May to June 2021. The determination of respondents in this study was carried out using a simple random sampling method, where the population in this study was a farmer group whose main commodity was lowland rice in Dampal District. South. This study uses data sourced from primary data and secondary data. Primary data obtained from observations and direct interviews with farmers in the field using a list of questions (Questionaire) to respondents, namely rice farmers respondents. Secondary data were obtained from various government agencies related to this research and various other literatures. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, this researcher concludes that the production risk faced by lowland rice farmers in Dampal Selatan District, Tolitoli Regency comes from various aspects including changes in weather and climate, pest attacks, scarcity of subsidized fertilizers, and problems with the irrigation system. Farmers' perceptions of the risk of lowland rice production in Dampal Selatan District, Tolitoli Regency have an average total score of 144 which is on a scale range of 113 – 147, which means that farmers' perceptions of production risk are quite bad. This indicates that farmers consider that the production risk that occurs in South Dampal District, Tolitoli Regency is an event that is quite disturbing the running of lowland rice farming. However, there are still some risks that can be prevented and overcome, such as the scarcity of fertilizers and irrigation. The method chosen by farmers in dealing with risks; 1) before doing lowland rice farming, farmers make preparations such as preparing all the supporting factors for rice farming production such as land processing, and maintenance of irrigation canals, 2) during the production period when attacked by pests and diseases, farmers prefer to eradicate pests by using pesticides and utilizing ecosystems in the fields, and 3) after experiencing the risk, farmers continue to carry out / complete their farming even though the rice production is not as expected.

Keywords : Farmers Perception, Production Risk, Lowland Rice.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Commentary on: Eprints 0 not found.
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis
SWORD Depositor: Users 0 not found.
Depositing User: Users 0 not found.
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2025 07:16
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 07:14
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