Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
This research was conducted with the aim to find out the status of potassium nutrients in three different land uses in Masari Village, this research was conducted in February to March 2019, the method used in this study was the survey method, while the observation and soil sampling were carried out based on researcher consideration (purposive sampling) that is based on the type of land use. Chemical properties parameters analyzed in the laboratory are: pH content, Organic Materials, cation exchange capacity, available phosphorus and total phosphorus. Based on the analysis of soil organic matter in the three land uses has decreased from moderate to low with a value in the chili land (1.41-1.89%), cocoa land (2.20-1.80%) and coconut land in (1.89-1.70%), the analysis of the P-Available value of land also decreased from moderate to low criteria with values on curly chilli land (9.37-6.62ppm), cocoa land (11.37-8 , 45ppm) and deep coconut fields (0.40-0.35cmol (+) kg-1). And on the results of the P-Total analysis the soil also experienced a decrease that was at a low criterion with a value on curly chili land (12.22-0.87mg.100g-1), cocoa land (13.37-5.21mg.100g-1 ) and deep coconut fields (5.95-0.77mg.100g-1). In other words the results of the study showed that there was a decrease in potassium nutrient in the soil to a depth of 60 cm, it was suspected that the decrease in potassium nutrient was caused by land management by farmers who were not good and paid less attention to soil conditions. Each land use also has a neutral pH value, this can help provide potassium nutrients for plants, but not supported by land management by farmers.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui status unsur hara kalium pada tiga penggunaan lahan berbeda di Desa Masari, penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari sampai Maret tahun 2019, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode survey, sedangkan pengamatan serta pengambilan sampel tanah dilakukan berdasarkan pertimbangan peneliti (purposive sampling) yaitu dengan berdasarkan jenis penggunaan lahan. Parameter sifat kimia yang dianalisis di laboratorium yaitu: kandungan pH, Bahan Organik, kapasitas tukar kation, fosfor tersedia dan fosfor total. Berdasarkan hasil analisis bahan organik tanah pada ketiga penggunaan lahan tersebut mengalami penurunan dari sedang sampai dengan rendah dengan nilai pada lahan cabai (1,41-1,89%), lahan kakao (2,20-1,80%) dan lahan kelapa dalam (1,89-1,70%), pada analisis nilai P-Tersedia tanah juga mengalami penurunan dari kriteria sedang sampai rendah dengan nilai pada lahan cabai keriting (9,37-6,62ppm), lahan kakao (11,37-8,45ppm) dan lahan kelapa dalam (0,40-0,35cmol(+)kg-1). Dan pada hasil analisis P-Total tanah juga mengalamai penurunan yang berada pada kriteria rendah dengan nilai pada lahan cabai keriting (12,22-0,87mg.100g-1), lahan kakao (13,37-5,21mg.100g-1) dan lahan kelapa dalam (5,95-0,77mg.100g-1). Dengan kata lain hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada penurunan hara kalium di dalam tanah sampai pada kedalaman 60 cm, diduga penurunan hara kalium disebabkan karena pengolahan lahan oleh petani yang kurang baik dan kurang memperhatikan kondisi tanah. Pada setiap penggunaan lahan tersebut juga memiliki nilai pH yang netral hal ini dapat membantu menyediakan unsur hara kalium bagi tanaman, namun tidak didukung pengolahan lahan oleh petani.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Commentary on: | Eprints 0 not found. |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Agroteknologi |
SWORD Depositor: | Users 0 not found. |
Depositing User: | Users 0 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 22 Jan 2025 07:16 |
Last Modified: | 06 Feb 2025 07:14 |
URI: | https://repository.untad.ac.id/id/eprint/138418 |
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