Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
Etnofarmasi merupakan ilmu yang mempelajari penggunaan obat tradisional dan cara pengobatan yang dilakukan oleh suatu suku bangsa tertentu. Masyarakat Suku Dampal di Kecamatan Dampal Selatan Kabupaten Tolitoli masih memanfaatkan tumbuhan obat secara turun temurun untuk mengobati penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan bagian tumbuhan, cara pengolahan, cara penggunaan, takaran dan lama penggunaan, serta jenis penyakit yang diobati dengan menggunakan tumbuhan obat oleh Suku Dampal Kecamatan Dampal Selatan Kabupaten Tolitoli. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu purposive sampling, wawancara menggunakan teknik open ended interview dan media angket kuesioner sebagai acuan dasar saat memberikan pertanyaan kepada 3 informan Suku Dampal. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian 36 jenis tumbuhan obat teridentifikasi. Persentase bagian tumbuhan yang digunakan daun 59%, batang 13%, rimpang 8%, biji 5%, kulit batang 5%, bunga 2%, herba 2%, buah
3%, dan akar 3%. Persentase cara pengolahan direbus 40%, diremas 17%, ditumbuk 17%, diseduh air panas 10%, dihaluskan 10%, dibakar 3%, dan cara lainnya 3%.Persentase cara penggunaan diminum yaitu 70%, ditempelkan 20%, dihirup 4%, dioleskan 3%, dan dilihat 3%. Persentase takaran yang digunakan sebanyak 1 gelas 47%, ½ gelas 13%, ¼ gelas 10%, selama 1 menit 7%, dan secukupnya 23%. Persentase lama penggunaan 1 bulan 3%, maksimal 3 hari 44%, maksimal 5 hari 30%, dan maksimal 7 hari 23%. Adapun jenis penyakit yang diobati antara lain demam, maag, masuk angin, sakit gigi, batuk, ginjal, muntah darah, luka, usus buntu, sakit mata, diare, sakit kepala, darah putih, malaria, pendarahan, pencegah virus, ulu hati, hipertensi, kolestrol, nyeri haid, dan menyuburkan kandungan.
Kata kunci: Etnofarmasi, Suku Dampal, Tumbuhan Obat
Ethnopharmacy is the study of the use of traditional medicine and the methods of treatment carried out by a particular ethnic group. The Dampal Tribe community in Dampal Selatan District, Tolitoli Regency still uses medicinal plants for generations to treat diseases. This study aims to determine the types and parts of plants, processing methods, usage methods, dosage and duration of use, as well as types of diseases treated using medicinal plants by the Dampal Tribe, South Dampal District, Tolitoli Regency. This type of research is descriptive and the sampling technique is purposive sampling, interviews using open ended interview techniques and questionnaire media as a basic reference when giving questions to 3 Dampal tribal informants. Based on the results of the study 36 types of medicinal plants were identified. The percentage of plant parts used was 59% leaves, 13% stems, 8% rhizomes, 5% seeds, 5?rk, 2% flowers, 2% herbs, 3% fruit, and 3% roots. The percentage of processing methods is boiled 40%, kneaded 17%, pounded 17%, hot water brewed 10%, mashed 10%, burned 3%, and other methods 3%. The percentage of how to use it is taken by mouth, namely 70%, affixed 20%, inhaled 4%, smeared 3%, and seen 3%. The percentage of the dose used was 1 cup 47%, cup 13%, cup 10%, for 1 minute 7%, and 23% to taste. The percentage of length of use for 1 month is 3%, a maximum of 3 days is 44%, a maximum of 5 days is 30%, and a maximum of 7 days is 23%. The types of diseases treated include fever, ulcers, colds, toothache, cough, kidney, vomiting blood, wounds, appendicitis, eye pain, diarrhea, headache, white blood, malaria, bleeding, virus prevention, heartburn, hypertension, cholesterol, menstrual pain, and fertilize the womb.
Keywords: Ethnopharmacy, Dampal Tribe, Medicinal Plants
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Commentary on: | Eprints 0 not found. |
Divisions: | Fakultas Matematika dan IPA > Farmasi |
SWORD Depositor: | Users 0 not found. |
Depositing User: | Users 0 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 22 Jan 2025 07:16 |
Last Modified: | 06 Feb 2025 07:14 |
URI: | https://repository.untad.ac.id/id/eprint/139409 |
Baca Full Text: | Baca Sekarang |