Studi Tentang Penggunaan WHATSAPP Dalam Mengajar Keterampilan Menulis

MOH KAMIL (2022) Studi Tentang Penggunaan WHATSAPP Dalam Mengajar Keterampilan Menulis. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Tadulako.

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Moh. Kamil (A 121 14 196). “A Study on the Use of WhatsApp in Teaching

Writing”. Skripsi. English Education Study Program, Language and Art

Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tadulako

University. Under the supervision of Ferry Rita.
The objectives of the study are to analyze, describe, and explain about the
application of WhatsApp in writing classes and the effects, results, significance,
and implication of using WhatsApp to the students’ writing skills. This study was
conducted descriptively through Library Research Design in which the data
examined were collected from the secondary sources in the form of articles which
were conducted within 2015-2019. Additionally, using WhatsApp in classes has
been widely examined and investigated by researchers in recent years. It is
believed that the integration of mobile learning with language learning field has
amazing outcomes to the students’ foreign and second language learning
experience. Moreover, the of descriptive data analysis showed that the application
of WhatsApp in writing classes was done through pre-writing, drafting, reviewing,
editing, and publishing as well as building the field stage, modelling the text type,
and joint construction. In line with the effects, results, significance, and
implication of the secondary data sources, it is found that they happen due to two
main reasons. First, the students were interested in using the smartphones in
teaching process. They already used these phones almost all the time in different
things; chatting with each other, writing their comments to their friends, sending
messages and all of these are for free. Second, the idea of feeling free in time and
place to learn something new was effective. They could write what they wish to
learn at any time and place. In conclusion, the students were stimulated to learn
the aspects of writing through the use of WhatsApp that further affected their
writing skills.
Key Words: Writing, Skill, WhatsAp
Moh. Kamil (A 121 14 196). “A Study on the Use of WhatsApp in Teaching
Writing”. Skripsi. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Bahasa dan Seni,
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Tadulako. Under the
supervision of Ferry Rita.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis, mendeskripsikan, dan
menjelaskan tentang penerapan WhatsApp di kelas menulis dan pengaruh, hasil,
signifikansi, dan implikasi penggunaan WhatsApp terhadap keterampilan menulis
siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif melalui Library Research Design
dimana data yang diteliti dikumpulkan dari sumber sekunder berupa artikel yang
dilakukan dalam kurun waktu 2015-2019 . Selain itu, penggunaan WhatsApp di
kelas telah banyak diteliti dan diselidiki oleh para peneliti dalam beberapa tahun
terakhir. Diyakini bahwa integrasi pembelajaran mobile dengan bidang
pembelajaran bahasa memiliki hasil yang luar biasa bagi pengalaman belajar
bahasa asing dan bahasa kedua siswa. Selain itu, analisis data deskriptif
menunjukkan bahwa penerapan WhatsApp di kelas menulis dilakukan melalui
pra-menulis, drafting, review, editing, dan publishing serta membangun field
stage, memodelkan jenis teks, dan joint construction. Sejalan dengan efek, hasil,
signifikansi, dan implikasi dari sumber data sekunder, ditemukan bahwa hal itu
terjadi karena dua alasan utama. Pertama, siswa tertarik menggunakan
smartphone dalam proses pembelajaran. Mereka sudah menggunakan ponsel ini
hampir sepanjang waktu dalam berbagai hal; mengobrol satu sama lain, menulis
komentar mereka ke teman-teman mereka, mengirim pesan dan semua ini gratis.
Kedua, gagasan untuk merasa bebas dalam waktu dan tempat untuk mempelajari
sesuatu yang baru adalah efektif. Mereka dapat menulis apa yang ingin mereka
pelajari kapan saja dan di mana saja. Kesimpulannya, siswa dirangsang untuk
mempelajari aspek menulis melalui penggunaan WhatsApp yang selanjutnya
mempengaruhi keterampilan menulis mereka.
Kata Kunci: penguasaan tata bahasa, ketepatan berbicara, korelasi

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Commentary on: Eprints 0 not found.
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Library of Congress Subject Areas > L Pendidikan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
SWORD Depositor: Users 0 not found.
Depositing User: Users 0 not found.
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2025 07:16
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 07:14
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