Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
This research was conducted in the city of Palu with the aim to find out how much Traditional Retails income was before and after the existence of Modern Retailers and to find out how the impact of the presence of Modern Retailers on Traditional Retail. This study uses the analysis of the mean difference test or t test with samples taken by purposive random sampling as many as 40 respondents spread in Palu City
The results showed that the income of Traditional Retail owners before the existence of Modern Retail from the mean different test results was 1837500 while after the presence of Modern Retails the mean different test results were 1525000. Based on these results it could be concluded that Traditional Retail income before and after the existence of the Modern Retail experienced a decrease in income after the existence Retail. In other words, Modern Retail influences the income of Traditional Retails and the impact of the presence of modern retailers towards Traditional Retails has a negative impact because 62.5% or as many as 25 Traditional Retails located around the Modern Retail are close to each other, side by side and even facing each other causing a decrease in buyers. With the reduction of buyers will certainly experience a decrease in income.
Keywords: Revenue, Impact, Modern Retail, and Traditional Retail
Penelitian ini di lakukan di Kota Palu dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui berapa omset penjualan Ritel Tradisional sebelum dan sesudah adanya Ritel Moderen dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dampak kehadiran Ritel Moderen terhadap Ritel Tradisional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis uji beda mean atau uji t dengan sampel yang diambil secara purposive random sampling yaitu sebanyak 40 responden yang tersebar di Kota Palu.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa omset penjualan Ritel Tradisional sebelum adanya Ritel Moderen dari hasil uji beda mean yaitu 1837500 sedangkan sesudah adanya Ritel Moderen dari hasil uji beda mean yaitu 1525000. Bersarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa omset penjualan sebelum dan sesudah adanya Ritel Moderen mengalami penurunan pendapatan sesudah adanya Ritel. Dengan kata lain Ritel Moderen berpengaruh terhadap omset penjualan Ritel Tradisional dan Dampak kehadiran Ritel modern terhadap Ritel Tradisional berdampak negatif karena 62,5 persen atau sebanyak 25 Ritel Tradisional yang terletak disekitar Ritel Moderen dengan jarak yang saling berdekatan, berdampingan bahkan saling berhadapan menyebabkan berkurangnya pembeli. Dengan berkurangnya pembeli tentunya akan mengalami penurunan omset.
Kata Kunci : Omset, Dampak, Ritel Moderen, dan Ritel Tradisonal
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Commentary on: | Eprints 0 not found. |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis > Ekonomi Pembangunan |
SWORD Depositor: | Users 0 not found. |
Depositing User: | Users 0 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 22 Jan 2025 07:16 |
Last Modified: | 06 Feb 2025 07:14 |
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